Thursday, November 20, 2008

What a Crappy Day...

Today was an exceptionally bad day. I couldn't sleep last night for several reasons:

1. I HAD to finish Twilight. It was too amazing. I couldn't put it down.
2. I have this huge zit on my forehead that was (and still is) throbbing like a migraine. What the heck is that all about?
3. I had the most insane heartburn. I can't remember the last time I had heartburn, but it was probably when I was pregnant.

The heartburn issue probably could have been solved earlier by taking a couple of Tums at 8:00 when it started. But I refused to put my book down to go get some, so instead, I didn't take any until midnight, when I finally decided to go to sleep. The heartburn was so bad by that point that it took a good while for the Tums to kick in. I ended up starting a new book (Bridget Jones' Diary) and didn't go to sleep until 1:30. Also, in this time period, I was busy convincing myself that my arm hurt, and that I was having a heart attack (instead of heartburn). You know, because paranoia and anxiety help you fall asleep easier.

So imagine my surprise when I was awakened at 6:30 by my kids chattering away in their bedroom. 6:30??? What the heck? But, they seemed relatively happy, so I went back to bed. Not for long, though. At 7:15, Andrew was screaming his head off because Joseph was sitting on him. Grrrrr... So, I begrudgingly removed myself from the bed. When I went to change Andrew's diaper, it was completely dry. Ok, so they were awake way before 6:30, because Andrew has never in his entire existence woken with a dry diaper. This means that Brad must have changed his diaper before he left. Brad leaves the house at 6:15 (I later learned that they were awake at 5:00, when Brad woke up). So, it goes without saying, I had mega cranky kids all day.

For some reason, it seemed like a good idea to take my kids to story time at the library. On a normal day this is a difficult task. So today it was pure torture. Joseph and Andrew just wanted to make a mess all through the library, and touch everything but the materials for the craft. We have this awesome little library, and Dana, who does story time is great. Once I finally got the kids to sit down and do the craft, everything was ok. But this didn't happen until after Joseph screamed about going to the bathroom, ran out into the parking lot ten thousand times, stole Jane the Librarian's calendar off of her desk, and tried to break her bobblehead bear. I did manage to get a few cute pictures in, though:

Andrew always goes straight for the puzzles when we go to the library. This kid loves puzzles!

Joseph joined in the puzzle playing. Because, you know, who wants to listen to a cool story when you can play with the same puzzles you've played with a million times

Finally Andrew sat down and made his turkey napkin ring. Very cute. Thanks Dana!

So, here's where the day gets crappier. I had this brilliant idea to get my blog ready for Christmas. This brilliant idea involved getting a picture of my kids in front of a Christmas tree. But it's not even Thanksgiving, so I haven't decorated for Christmas yet. But you know who has? Wal-mart. They started decorating for Christmas before Halloween. And, they had two big beautiful trees right when you walk in the store. So, I decided that I would take the kids in Wal-mart and take a picture of them in front of the Christmas tree. Well, apparently I was not allowed to do that, and the manager came and very politely informed me that photography is not allowed inside of Wal-mart. I was just a little bit embarassed. Like, ten people felt the need to come talk to me about it. So, I put my screaming kids into the shopping cart and went to get the few things I needed. But of course my kids were mad, because they wanted to play with the Christmas tree. And here is my wonderful reminder of this embarassing occasion:

So, yeah, I had a crappy day...