Saturday, December 19, 2009

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things

It irritates me to no end that this song is considered a Christmas song. Also, it irritates me that Barbara Streisand sings the "Christmas" version. Hello?! No one does it better than Julie Andrews. Seriously, though. The Sound of Music has nothing to do with Christmas. However, Christmas is my favorite time of year, so I'll share a few of my favorite things:

Decorating: Who doesn't love putting up the Christmas tree? It just makes your house so cheerful!

Taking the kiddos to visit Santa: Their faces just light up when they see Santa and think about all of the presents they're going to get. Little kids are so fun at Christmas time!

Making presents (And getting them, too!): I love making presents for my family. It's so much more heartfelt than just going to the store and buying stuff (Although, admittedly, I do that also).

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow: I love snow! It's so beautiful. And my kids are really enjoying this snow. I think it's the first time they've been old enough to enjoy it.

And lastly, the reason for the season: Jesus Christ. I am thankful for his sacrfice. And thankful that he is a part of my life. Right now, I'm sad that I am not at our Christmas program, but unfortunately I have been sufffering from some horrible insomnia. I was actually asleep last night, but woke up at 3:00 a.m. to the sound of a car spinning its wheels on our icy street for 15 minutes after he crashed his car into the concrete wall. The lack of sleep has left me with a splitting headache. But, even though I am not able to be at the Christmas program, I know that Jesus Christ is the reason for this season!
Merry Christmas everybody!


Julia Kelly said...

Love your tree! And my kids have been loving the snow as well. We still need to visit Santa. The snow kept us away this weekend. Miss you guys!

MegJill said...

Your tree is beautiful! And I love your old time piano. It reminds me of Little Women, the piano that is given to Beth.
Your quilting project looks beautiful too!