Sunday, May 24, 2009

Techno Music

No, this post is not literally about techno music. Really, it's two seperate stories to tell; one about my little technological genius, and the other about a very special musical device.


It's unbelievable how "plugged in" my child is. He is a little sponge; he absorbs everything he hears. Naturally he wants to repeat it. Recently, my kids tore down the curtains in their bedroom, so I have a blanket hanging over the window. When the blanket fell down from the window, Joseph responded, "There's got to be a better way!" He then proceeded to do an infomercial for his own invention, the "Sticky Curtain." I am very glad that it is summer, so that I can entertain my children outside rather then having them be entertained by Nickelodeon and it's one and only sponsor, Billy Mays.

Besides creating his own infomercials, he has also been creating his own websites. He LOVES the computer and all things technological. I encourage him to use the computer. He uses art programs, plays learning games, and listens to good music and he learns a lot! In this learning process, he has already discovered that you can find/learn/do anything with the power of the internet. So, yesterday, our swimming pool opened up. One of the neighborhood children was telling Joseph that he learned how to swim last summer, but he didn't remember how anymore. Joseph told him, "If you want to learn more about swimming, you can just go to" I about died...seriously. So hilarious! Also, he'll tell us things like, "go to" But this is how it sounds -- joseph dot com splash andrew. Ha! We've tried to explain that they are saying slash, not splash but he doesn't know what a slash is, so we just let him call it a splash because it's really freaking funny.

It's amazing how technologically proficient an almost-five-year-old is. Brad was quoting the commercials (or commer-shun-als, as Joseph calls them) for Windows -- He said "I'm 5 years old and I'm a PC," because Joseph had figured out how to turn on music on a website, then minimize the window and turn on one of his computer games so that he could listen to his music while he played with his paint studio. Pretty soon, he's going to be teaching his parents how to use the technology instead of us teaching him!


I got a piano! I got a piano! I got a piano! I have been desperate for a piano since before I was born, I think. I love to play the piano. I'm not great -- I'm self taught. But I could be great with a piano to practice on daily. And now I have one!!!!!! I just can't believe it. I got it for free. It's an old upright piano and it still plays beautifully. It needs tuned, but every piano does after it's been moved. She (yes, it's a she) is PERFECT and I love her. I am so thankful for programs like Freecycle -- which is how I found my piano -- and I am so thankful for the church that was giving her away. This has forever been a dream of mine, and I thought that it was a long way off. And, I love you Brad for not complaining too much about moving the piano. Thanks for letting me live my dream.


Bonna Keckley said...

What a smart little boy. Congrats on your piano. I hope you find more time to practice than I do.